Special Offer

Bundle: 2 Advanced Courses

Original price was: $700.00.Current price is: $630.00.

Develop the confidence and knowledge needed to treat pregnant women throughout their journey into motherhood and beyond. You will also have the opportunity to become part of the NurtureLife® network.

SKU: olc-b-2a Category:


Extend your Practitioner skills and services with Educator Trainer for Partner Training for Labour plus Postnatal Massage.

Our ‘Partner Training Massage for Labour’ online course offers you the opportunity to delve deeper into the benefits of massage during and after labour. Massage can be used during birth to make it easier for the mother. A well-prepared partner offering support through massage can be of great benefit and comfort to the labouring mother. In this workshop we will demonstrate how to equip your clients to utilise massage for labour. Learn how to demonstrate massage techniques for labour.

In the ‘Postnatal Massage’ course, we focus on massage in the fourth trimester, massage after caesarean, massage to rebalance the body, massage to relieve tension from breast feeding, and simple post natal exercises.

This bundle of the 2 Advanced Courses saves you 10% of the normal combined price.